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Everything you need to know about backpain


1. How common is Back pain
It is the leading complaint in OPD patients.

2. Common causes
The commonest cause is Muscle spasm which is frequently due to bad posture.
Other causes include Disc prolapse, Osteoporosis, Infection, Injury etc.

3. Investigations required
Most patients don’t need any investigation since clinical examination is enough.
Others may require XRays, MRI etc

4. Treatment protocol
Most patients can be treated conservatively with rest, lifestyle changes, minimal medicines and

5. Role of bed rest
Prolonged bed rest is usually not required and may sometimes proves harmful.

6. Role of age
Age increases the risk of Back pain due to degeneration of the spine, weakness of muscles and
Calcium deficiency.

7. Role of weight
Obese persons have higher risk of back pain.

8. Role of smoking
Smoking increases the risk of back pain. In patients requiring surgery for back pain, the results
are also sub optimal.

9. Role of work
Heavy manual labour is a risk factor, but even sedentary lifestyle can have back pain.

10. Preventive measures

1. Weight reduction
2. Proper posture
3. Lifestyle changes
4. Balanced diet
5. Good sleep

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